One Pot One Spoon Living-an allegory for the poor sturggling student

The concept of one pot, one spoon living, came about from necessity. With my family nearly eight hours away and unable to afford my own apartment, during college I was forced to live in the dorms. Finding myself sharing a room that was less than half the size of an average studio apartment, space had become limited. I had to make some sacrifices. While, of course I needed my clothes, my computer, and a little thirteen inch TV was a nice bonus, I quickly realized other things I readily used on a day to day basis at home with my parents had become more of luxury. Who needs plates, or bowls, or really any other dishware, especially when during college, pizza was usually the meal of choice. Then again, during those times that I did feel like cooking a meal, I realized there are very few dishes that you can’t make and eat with only one pot and one spoon. As long as you always remember to wash your dishes afterwards, there will be nothing else you will need.

College Necessities

Every goal in life has its necessities.  Here are a few checklists for important steps in the quest for the college experience